Welcome to MediLexicon
MediLexicon contains searches, information, news and resources for the medical, pharmaceutical and healthcare professional. The following medical searches, medical dictionary listings, and resources are available for free use within this website...
| Medical Abbreviations. A dictionary containing over 200,000 medical, biotech, pharmaceutical and healthcare acronyms and abbreviations. The most comprehensive medical abbreviations dictionary on the Internet. Use Medical Abbreviations Search |
| Medical Dictionary. Contains definitions and explanations of thousands of medical terms from Stedmans comprehensive medical dictionary. Use Medical Dictionary Search |
| Medical News. Hourly reports of all of the latest breaking health news and medical news stories to hit the headlines from around the world. View Latest Medical News Headlines |
| ICD-9 Search. Contains definitions of ICD9/ICD9CM codes used to code and classify mortality data from death certificates, morbidity data from the inpatient and outpatient records, physician offices, and most NCHS surveys. Use ICD9 Search |
| Drug Search. Search the drug databases for drug information including prescription drug information. Multiple drug searches available. Use Drugs Search |
| Medical Equipment & Surgical Instruments. Contains definitions of over 3,500 medical and surgical devices and instruments. Use Medical Equipment Search |
| Other Searches. Other searches include hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, associations, skin conditions and more. View Other Searches |
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